headshot Benny Lewis and Shannon Kennedy

Language Hacking

Benny Lewis and Shannon Kennedy meet real-life language learners and discover smarter, faster ways to learn a language.

Latest Episode

#140 | Peggy on “Little Victories”

Do old-school language learning methods still work in our technology-focused and app-driven world? Fluent in 3 Months student Peggy tackled this question while learning Spanish with us. She also discovered how to balance motivation and discipline through “little victories”.

#139 | Will Scott on Learning French Daily

"Before the Challenge I would have laughed if you told me I was going to study [French] every day for a week." This is what Fluent in 3 Months Challenge participant and French learner, Will Scott, shared. Discover how he found success with the language through fun and the support of a community.

#138 | Anika on How to Learn Telugu

How do you learn to speak another language when there are little to no resources available for learners? Fluent in 3 Months student Anika took head-on as she learned Telugu with us. She shares how she taps into native resources with the help of native speakers and what to do when the spoken language you’re learning is different from its written language.

#134 | Pierre on Beating Fear & Shyness

Can introverts and shy learners also benefit from joining learner communities? Fluent in 3 Months Challenge (now Bootcamp) participant and Norwegian learner, Pierre, tells Benny and Shannon how the joining the Fluent in 3 Months community helped him overcome his fear of speaking another language, and how he was able to learn more quickly than with any other methods.